Bus Services



Keeping families connected is important. But for some, after a son or daughter moves to Parsons, it can be difficult to visit. The PSH Endowment Association wanted to help families stay connected. In 1987 they started a bus service that runs to Wichita and Kansas City to take individuals home for a week-end visit. The service alternates monthly between cities with the exception of Easter, Mother's Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. On those holidays the buses travel to Wichita and Kansas City. Approximately 12-15 individuals ride the bus each month. And for those riders and their families it is a wonderful service.

Susie Hall, parent, recalls "The Endowment bus idea started one evening at an Advisory Meeting several years ago. I mentioned we were spending all our time on the road and really wished our son had the opportunity of riding the bus home. Another mother agreed it would be great for her son, too. An Endowment Board member heard our discussion. It wasn't long until all the nuts and bolts were put together and we had our first bus trip home." "The Endowment bus means getting to spend a quality week-end with our son without spending five hours on the road Friday evening and another five hours on the road Sunday evening. It is like a wish granted from the dream factory. And, the bus trips mean even more to the sons and daughters-giving them something to look forward to. Our son marks the days off on the calendar. These trips are especially important to older parents and grandparents who are unable to make the trip to Parsons. The Endowment Association makes such a difference in so many lives. What a blessing," Susie added!

Families are able to spend a week-end together to "catch up" on all the latest news and happenings. For more information on the bus trips contact: Marlys Shomber-Jones at 620-421-6550, extension 1726